Host FAQs - Disability Homestay Network



The Disability Homestay Network is an initiative of the Australian Homestay Network (AHN) in conjunction with our NDIS-specialist partner Breakaway Retreats. We connect eligible National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants with host families to build independence, try new experiences, and enjoy a change of scenery from their usual living arrangements.

The program offers quality Short Term Accommodation (STA) and day programs for participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). One of our key goals is to provide more choice and control to participants by expanding options available to them.

We assist guests in booking their stay and help us tailor the experience to each guest’s specific support needs and goals.

The two programs offered through DHN are:

Breakaway Connect: Homestay where guests spend 2 nights or more with you in your home.

Breakaway for a Day: Guests come to your home to spend the day with you and get out and about in the community, usually for up to 10 hours per day. There is no overnight stay.  

Hosts have the opportunity to share their home with people from a variety of backgrounds and form new relationships.

The Disability Homestay Network (DHN) Standards have been developed to provide a benchmark of the services, quality, and safety required to deliver a positive STA experience for everyone involved in the program. It is important to note that the needs of the guest are the central focus.

If you meet the Eligibility & Registration criteria outlined in the Disability Homestay Network Host Agreement, you can apply to become a host. 

We encourage diversity and welcome hosts who have different backgrounds, hobbies and interests and come from all kinds of households including families, couples, individuals and housemates.

You don’t necessarily have to have experience in supporting people with disability but you do need to be caring, positive, open-minded and willing to complete training to help you provide a great experience for your guests. Different levels of assistance will be required, so being flexible and mindful of each person’s needs is essential.

Yes, our approval process includes:

  • an interview and home assessment
  • NDIS Worker Screening (for new hosts) OR a National Police Check  and Working With Children Check (WWCC) / Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check for all applicable residents in the host household according to local state/territory laws (for hosts already registered with the Australian Homestay Network) – Visit the Host Clearances page for more information

Hosts must also hold a valid First Aid certificate and have current CPR training if they wish to host a guest with High Support needs in the future.

Breakaway Connect:
A typical booking will be for a minimum of 2 days and usually up to 14 days at a time. 

Breakaway for a Day:

Usually around up to 10 hours in a single day. There is no overnight stay.  

Of course! You can let us know what pets you have when you complete your hosting application. This is an important part of the matching process. Some guests may like/be afraid of certain animals or have allergies, so we will arrange a placement accordingly.

Hosts must complete their application, training, home interview and assessment, and background checks before we can place a guest in your home. Once this has been done, we may match you with a guest right away or it could take months depending on demand in your area and individual guest requirements.

It’s important to understand that each person is unique and their experiences differ – even if they share the same type of disability as someone else.

The NDIS supports people with physical, intellectual, cognitive, neurological, visual, hearing or psychosocial impairment/s and guests may fall into one or a number of these disability groups (learn more about Disability Types and Descriptions). 

Each guest is unique so will require differing levels of support, such as:

Lower support needs
(no behavioural plans and ambulatory)

Assistance required – Routines, safety, meals, medication, transport to access the community, assistance with activities, e.g. electronics, games, gardening, cooking, hydration, turning on taps, cleaning, making the bed, tidying up, packing.

View more information about Lower Support Needs.

Medium support needs
(no behavioural plans and ambulatory)

Assistance required – Routines, safety, medication, eating, drinking, personal care, speech, hearing, vision, socializing, transport to access the community, higher level or complete assistance with activities, e.g. electronics, games, gardening, cooking, hydration, turning on taps, cleaning, making the bed, tidying up, packing.

View more information about Medium Support Needs.

High support needs

Assistance required – High levels of support for all activities and functions. Guest may have a behaviour support plan in place or be non-ambulatory. Host must have completed advanced training and hold a valid first aid and CPR certificate. Assistance with medication and manual handling may be required.

View more information about High Support Needs.

Our team will discuss each guest’s background and support needs during the placement process so you have the information you need to accommodate them and share a fulfilling homestay experience with them. We will advise if additional support will be provided during the stay to assist guests with High support needs.

We have support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact your local office at the Australian Homestay Network during business hours (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Standard Time) or call our 24/7 call centre on 1300 69 7829 outside these hours.

The Disability Homestay Network is managed by the Australian Homestay Network (AHN) in conjunction with Breakaway Retreats. You can phone your local AHN office during business hours (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Standard Time) or email with your enquiry.


We will process host payments directly into your nominated bank account after we have received funds from the guest or their Plan Manager, usually within 30 days of your guest’s departure.

Any income you receive hosting for the Disability Homestay Network program should be discussed with a qualified accountant for information about your tax obligations and possible deductions you can claim for hosting.

Please visit the Host Payments page for more information.

Hosts receive a reimbursement to assist with essential expenses associated with hosting.

Breakaway Connect: The standard rate is $350 per night, which generally covers a 24-hour period. This includes providing up to 2 “at home” meals for your guest. Unless otherwise agreed, stays would be for a minimum of 3 nights.

Breakaway for a Day: The standard rate is $300 per day, which generally covers up to 10 hours of support. Meals will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. 

Please note that host reimbursement rates may change at any time, but will not affect a current individual placement.

You can host one DHN guest in your home at a time (plus a support worker, if required) in order to provide an enriching one-on-one experience.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has not made a ruling on tax relating to hosting eligible NDIS participants at this stage.

We recommend speaking with a qualified accountant for information about your tax obligations and possible deductions you can claim for hosting.



Breakaway Connect: Hosts may need to provide up to 2 “at home” meals for guests each day. Guests will also have an allowance to pay for additional meals during their stay.

Breakaway for a Day: Meals will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. 

This can happen from time-to-time but to try and avoid this situation we ask guests if there are any foods they do not eat when making a booking. We also recommend you chat with your guest and/or their carer about the foods they like prior to the placement. Not everyone enjoys spicy food; some people might prefer simple meals; while others could have favourite dishes that you can easily make. 

If you have a guest staying with you for the Breakaway Connect program, it may be practical to take them shopping so they can help pick foods and / or plan meals.

When it comes to mealtime, a good way to test the waters is to begin by serving a smaller portion and offering the guest more if they enjoy it. If they don’t want to eat, ask the guest if there’s anything you can add that might make it better for them e.g. adding some sauce, cheese or bread on the side.

We ask for this information when a guest booking is made. We will let you know about a guest’s needs when offering you a placement. This will give you time to prepare a meal plan ahead of time / buy specific food if required and cater to the guest’s requirements.


All hosts who successfully complete the Disability Homestay Network (DHN) host certification process are automatically covered under our tailored insurance policy. Guests are also covered for the duration of their stay. 

Having appropriate insurance is a requirement under the Disability Homestay Network (DHN) Standards. The policy we have arranged provides liability insurance protection for you and your guests, as well as cover for guests’ belongings whilst in homestay.

Please visit our Insurance page for full policy details and more information regarding the DHN insurance program.

Our insurance policy includes liability protection for guests and hosts (such as property damage and personal injury), as well as appropriate cover for guest’s belongings during their stay at your home.

Please visit our Insurance page for full policy details and more information regarding the insurance program.

By agreeing to host, you are agreeing to support your guest and provide a safe and secure environment.  If something happens to the guest on your property, your risk is the same as it would be for any guest in your home.


Once you have been matched with a guest and the placement is confirmed, we will provide the contact details we have on file to you and your guest. This gives everyone the opportunity to get to know each other before the stay (if both parties want to connect).

Hosting a person with disability should usually be just like sharing your home with any other guest. 

Some tips for making your guest comfortable:

  • Get the stay off to a good start given them a warm Welcome and Orientation.
  • Share your home and provide a friendly, welcoming and supportive environment.
  • Accommodate your guest’s needs by moving furniture or making small changes around the home –  creating a safe space that’s easy to navigate goes a long way in making a person feel at ease.
  • Treat your guest as like a member of your family and include them in your daily life.
  • Make the effort to develop a personal connection that is mutually respectful and nurturing.
  • Providing support and care as required.

Do not make assumptions about a guest’s needs or requirements. We will provide you with information about the guest’s needs during the placement process to ensure you can accommodate them. We also encourage you to communicate with the guest and/or their parent/carer prior to arrival to check how you can make your home as comfortable as possible.

Yes, your host reimbursement includes transporting the guest to attend their chosen activities.

If a guest is staying with you as part of the Breakaway Connect program, you may need to provide transport to/from the local train or bus station upon arrival and departure as well as

Holidays and Outings

That’s not a problem. You just need to ensure you are able to commit to any confirmed placements you have.

Hosts can self-manage their availability through the Homestay Management System (HMS). Simply log in to your host account online and set your availability to “unavailable to host”. When you are ready to welcome guests again, log back in and let us know you are available by resetting your status. Alternatively, contact your local office and let us know.

Yes. Guests receive a meals and activity allowance and are advised to bring some spending money for extra expenses like shopping, souvenir, etc. Read more about DHN inclusions on the Meals, Transport and Activities page.

Responsibilities and Rules

Providing connection, inclusion, friendship and understanding is necessary for each and every stay. 

The individual support needs of your guests will be communicated to you as potential placements become available. You might have to prompt a guest to take their medication or complete self-care routines like brushing their teeth, some may need help preparing their meals or getting in and out of bed, while others could require more intensive assistance getting around and performing day-to-day tasks. Your local office will fully brief you of the supports required to ensure you and your guest have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. If an external support worker is required, this will be arranged prior to the stay.  

Each guest is unique so will require differing levels of support, such as:

Lower support needs
(no behavioural plans and ambulatory)

Assistance required – Routines, safety, meals, medication, transport to access the community, assistance with activities, e.g. electronics, games, gardening, cooking, hydration, turning on taps, cleaning, making the bed, tidying up, packing.

View more information about Lower Support Needs.

Medium support needs
(no behavioural plans and ambulatory)

Assistance required – Routines, safety, medication, eating, drinking, personal care, speech, hearing, vision, socializing, transport to access the community, higher level or complete assistance with activities, e.g. electronics, games, gardening, cooking, hydration, turning on taps, cleaning, making the bed, tidying up, packing.

View more information about Medium Support Needs.

High support needs

Assistance required – High levels of support for all activities and functions. Guest may have a behaviour support plan in place or be non-ambulatory. Host must have completed advanced training and hold a valid first aid and CPR certificate. Assistance with medication and manual handling may be required.

View more information about High Support Needs.

Our partners at Breakaway Retreats will assess the requirements of each individual participant during the booking process. DHN will advise potential hosts if additional support will be provided during the stay to assist guests with High support needs.

Your guest will bring any special equipment or aids with them if they need them during their stays. Directions and or training will be provided to you so you can assist the guest if needed.

Our team will take your home’s layout, facilities and accessibility into consideration when making a placement and will only place guests with you if we are confident you can meet their needs.

Hosts must maintain their home to provide a safe, clean and accessible environment for guests. 

The home must be in good repair; meet current building regulations such as having compliant smoke alarms installed and adequate pool fencing; and not be under renovation.

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