We are committed to the safe and ethical delivery of services and supports for people with disability. This includes adhering to the NDIS Code of Conduct and ensuring that any hosts and external support workers engaged to provide support to guests have appropriate clearances and training.
To participate in the the Disability Homestay Network (DHN) program, all hosts and permanent residents are required to obtain the relevant clearances for their state / territory.
Existing Hosts Already Registered with the Australian Homestay Network
DHN will launch with a transitional period in place where your current National Police Check and Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) Check / Working With Children Check (WWCC) will be accepted for the host verification process.
Please note that you will be required to undergo NDIS Worker Screening once your current clearances expire. More information about state / territory Worker Screening requirements can be found below.
New Hosts Registering for the Disability Homestay Network
If you are not an existing Australian Homestay Network host, you will need to apply for an NDIS Worker Screening Check.
Please visit the webpage for your state / territory Worker Screening Unit for information about the Check.
– Select Australian Homestay Network as the provider / employer or enter 4-GEBIE0C if the employer ID number is requested.
– You are currently able to apply as a Volunteer, however, please be aware you may be required to apply as a Paid Worker after the transitional launch period.
- Australian Capital Territory: Access Canberra
- New South Wales: Service NSW
- Northern Territory: NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services
- Queensland: Disability Worker Screening
- South Australia: Department of Human Services Screening Unit
- Tasmania: Consumer, Building and Occupational Services
- Victoria: Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Western Australia: Department of Communities